“Super Lawyer Lorena Rivas” Again Tabbed Super Lawyers® Rising Star

November 12, 2021 – Lorena Rivas

Super Lawyer Lorena Rivas

Super Lawyer Lorena Rivas has a nice ring to it.

Rivas, who is rapidly becoming a household name in the realm of immigration law, already goes by “The Lawyer” Lorena Rivas every Tuesday evening when she appears on a popular weekly immigration segment on the well-known American-Spanish international Television network Telemundo.

She might, however, want to consider adding another adjective to her title. After all, Rivas was recently selected for a fourth consecutive year to the Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list.

“Very honored to be selected,” Lorena Rivas said. “There are a lot of great immigration attorneys here in Oklahoma and elsewhere. To be selected by such a highly-respected legal publication like Super Lawyers® is very flattering.”

Super Lawyers® A Legal Publication and Selection Process Second to None

Part of the well-known Thomson Reuters multinational media conglomerate, Super Lawyers® employs a very methodical and rigorous selection process when evaluating attorneys.

The selection processes the publication uses to determine its yearly list of honorees is intense and very esteemed. In fact, only the best 5 percent of attorneys in a specific practice area are selected as Super Lawyers, while 2.5 percent of lawyers in a given practice area are chosen as Rising Stars.

The Super Lawyers website says the selection process is as follows:

“Super Lawyers selects attorneys using a patented multiphase selection process. Peer nominations and evaluations are combined with independent research. Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis.

“The objective is to create a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys that can be used as a resource for attorneys and consumers searching for legal counsel. Since Super Lawyers is intended to be used as an aid in selecting a lawyer, we limit the lawyer.” ratings to those who can be hired and retained by the public, i.e., lawyers in private practice and Legal Aid attorneys.”

Super Lawyer Lorena Rivas Unique Road to Legal Stardom

Lorena Rivas’ path to becoming a highly sought-after immigration law attorney began in the most unlikeliest of places – Mutual, Oklahoma – due to an unfortunate event involving her father.

About the time Rivas was 4, her father was injured in an Oklahoma oil field accident near her hometown of Mutual which landed him in the hospital for a spell, unable to work. With her mother working but struggling to make ends meet and juggle the obligations of caring for Rivas and her sister, the family enlisted the services of an attorney to help them get some much-needed relief and aid following the accident.

“We were a low-income family, but I remember who came to the rescue for (my parents) and it was an attorney,” Lorena Rivas said during a speech at the University of Central Oklahoma. “Somebody who took up their case, fought for them and got us some funds. Did we get a lot? No, probably not … But it was something to keep us going and allowed us to keep our house, keep food on the table and keep us dreaming. That is (when) I got my first taste of what an attorney is and how important they are to people.

“After seeing the importance of a lawyer, I knew I wanted to be somebody that important to somebody in their life and help them out.”

Rivas does just that today from her Tulsa Kendall Whittier offices at Rivas & Associates. Whether she is fixing visa applications or in immigration court rooms securing asylum for her clients, Rivas is hard at work advocating for her clients’ best interests.

In less than 10 years, Rivas has established herself as a dynamic immigration attorney. In addition to being named a Super Lawyers® Rising Star four consecutive years, Rivas was selected as the 2018 winner of the distinguished Fern Holland Award which is awarded to a lawyer who advocates for human rights or the empowerment of women.

Rivas was also recognized by the Tulsa Business & Legal News as being one of the city’s “most accomplished professional women” with their annual Women of Distinction Awards in 2016. Additionally, Rivas has multiple times to Washington D.C. to meet with state and national legislators to discuss immigration reform and continues to be a highly-sought after speaker. She closed out the 2019 American Heritage Awards in Orlando with her riveting speech “This is America.”

“I’ve been very fortunate,” Lorena Rivas said. “I not only work in a profession which challenges me on a day-to-day basis, I work in a field where I have the opportunity to constantly help others attain some life-changing opportunities.”

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