Billboards, Radio Segments Extend Rivas’ Tulsa Media Presence

October 25, 2022 – Lorena Rivas

Tulsa immigration law attorney

Tulsa area residents and visitors should get used to hearing and seeing more of Lorena Rivas. The Tulsa immigration law attorney extraordinaire is lighting up the airwaves and greeting traffic on billboards throughout the Tulsa area, welcoming all to Green Country and encouraging all to “realize the American Dream.”

Rivas unveiled her first billboard along South Mingo Road between 41st and 51st at midnight on Oct. 15 to further highlight her work and passion as a Tulsa immigration law attorney.

The message on the digital billboard appropriately reads “Realizando tu sueño Americano,” translating to realize the American Dream in English.

“It’s a message which really resonates with me,” Lorena Rivas said. “I grew up in a small rural community in Oklahoma as the proud daughter of two Mexican nationalists. We did not have a lot growing up, but we had each other and we had our dreams because my parents chose to come here. My staff and I relate to the clients who walk through our doors at Rivas & Associates. Our job is to help each and every one of them realize their dreams in the U.S., and we are passionate about doing that for them.”

Lorena Rivas’ Popularity Continues to Soar as High Profile Tulsa Immigration Law Attorney

The morning before her billboard was unveiled, Lorena Rivas was in the studios of 104.9 FM Que Buena Tulsa discussing pressing immigration issues such as asylum from Venezuela during a weekly immigration segment she does for the radio station on Fridays at 9 a.m.

If you thought you heard Lorena Rivas earlier in the week on another Tulsa station, you did.

Rivas also appears on 1380 AM Las Americas Tulsa every Wednesday at 11 a.m. with Antonio Perez. Those interested in calling in on either station can do so and ask her immigration-related questions.

“They are great platforms for me to discuss many of the services we provide at Rivas & Associates and also weigh in on some very important immigration issues,” Lorena Rivas said. “I’ve been very fortunate to develop a good working relationship with many of our notable media outlets in Tulsa. They all do a great job.”

Although Rivas’ presence in Tulsa is strong, her firm Rivas & Associates is turning into a national and international sensation with nearly 100 employees working out of different states and countries.

four-time national Super Lawyers® Rising Stars selection, Rivas has provided immigration services to clients in California, Texas, Florida, and several other states. She has even visited Washington D.C. multiple times to discuss immigration law reform with high-ranking government officials and was recently featured in the Los Angeles Times.

“We are continuing to grow which is exciting,” Lorena Rivas said. “Immigration law impacts a lot of people from different angles. We want to help people navigate through the process and realize their American Dream.”

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