To the delight of the attorneys and legal personnel at Rivas & Associates, some good news recently came out of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) earlier this fall. The USCIS announced that it will be automatically extending the validity of Permanent Resident Cards, also known as Green Cards, to 24 months from the expiration date of the green card based on a properly filed application to renew an expiring or expired green card.
“This is great news,” Elissa Stiles said. “The extension was needed, particularly in lieu of the Coronavirus Pandemic and other events which have altered the ability of many to renew their status due to longer processing times. This was a good move by the USCIS and Biden Administration.”
The new extension implemented is a noticeable difference from the previous 12-month extension which had been in place since January 2021. The 24-month extension became effective on Sept. 26, 2022.
How Do I Receive a 24-Month Extension as Permanent Resident Card Holder?
According to the USCIS, “Lawful permanent residents who properly file Form I-90 to renew an expiring or expired Green Card may receive this extension. Form I-90 receipt notices had previously provided a 12-month extension of the validity of a Green Card.”
The site also went on to highlight that USCIS “has updated the language on Form I-90 receipt notices to extend the validity of a Green Card for 24 months for individuals with a newly filed Form I-90. On Sept. 26, USCIS began printing amended receipt notices for individuals with a pending Form I-90.”
Those who are not experienced with the application process or who known longer have their green card or permanent resident cards will need to provide “evidence of your lawful permanent resident status while waiting to receive your replacement Green Card, you may request an appointment at a USCIS Field Office by contacting the USCIS Contact Center, and we may issue you an Alien Documentation, Identification, and Telecommunications (ADIT) stamp after you file Form I-90.”
As always, the attorneys and legal personnel at Rivas & Associates encourage you to contact the firm with any questions you might have about the process.
A green card or known as a Permanent Resident Card is issued to immigrants to the United States as valid proof that they are allowed to reside permanently in the US.