Super Lawyers® Tabs Rivas Among Best Tulsa Immigration Law Attorneys

November 17, 2020 – Lorena Rivas

El Latino American Newspaper

Lorena Rivas continues to shine as one of the best Tulsa immigration law attorneys.

The leading legal publication Super Lawyers® unveiled its list of 2020 honorees, and for the third consecutive year Lorena Rivas was recognized as a Super Lawyers Rising Star.

“It’s always flattering and an honor to receive recognition like this whether it is from a client, colleague or publication such as Super Lawyers,” Lorena Rivas said. “Super Lawyers is one of the most esteemed publications in our profession, so I am thrilled to be selected.”

Super Lawyers Selection Process Very Methodical  

As Rivas alludes to, Super Lawyers is held in very high regard throughout the legal industry.

The selection process the publication uses to determine its yearly list of honorees is intense and very esteemed. In fact, only the best 5 percent of attorneys in a specific practice area are selected as Super Lawyers, while 2.5 percent of lawyers in a given practice area are chosen as Rising Stars.

The Super Lawyers website says the  selection process is as follows:

“Super Lawyers selects attorneys using a patented multiphase selection process. Peer nominations and evaluations are combined with independent research. Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis.

“The objective is to create a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys that can be used as a resource for attorneys and consumers searching for legal counsel. Since Super Lawyers is intended to be used as an aid in selecting a lawyer, we limit the lawyer.” ratings to those who can be hired and retained by the public, i.e., lawyers in private practice and Legal Aid attorneys.”

Rivas Thrives as one of the Best Tulsa Immigration Law Attorneys

Accolades such as this are nothing new for Lorena Rivas. She has established herself as one of the best Tulsa immigration law attorneys in less than 10 years.

In 2019, Rivas delivered a riveting speech titled “This is America to close out the American Heritage Awards in Orlando.

Rivas also was selected as the 2018 winner of the distinguished Fern Holland Award which is awarded to a lawyer who advocates for human rights or the empowerment of women.

Additionally, Rivas has traveled multiple times to Washington D.C. to meet with state and national legislators to discuss immigration reform.

Not only is Lorena Rivas one of the best Tulsa immigration law attorneys, she is one of the most visible.

In fact, Rivas has been the subject of at least 10 news articles by leading Tulsa media outlets since 2016. These include:


With a new president coming into office in 2021, immigration law reform will likely be at the forefront of changes made by the new administration. Joe Biden has indicated he will roll back many of Donald Trump’s policies which pleases Rivas.

“I think it’s great,” Rivas said. “There is still a lot of work which needs to be done, but Joe Biden winning was a good thing for immigration law and our country.”    

Rivas added that things are extremely busy at her law firms Rivas & Associates and The Lawyers of Kendall Whittier right now.

That said, if any immigration law attorney is able to handle the volume and pressure of advocating and litigating in today’s ever-changing political climate, it is Lorena Rivas.

Fellow Rivas & Associate attorney Elissa Stiles has this to say about his mentor:

“Lorena is a role-model advocate,” Stiles said. “She delivers the zeal necessary for representing clients in Dallas, the 5th Circuit, or anywhere in the country. But she is also kind and down to earth. She has an impressive memory for her clients’ names and stories, and this is because she truly cares about our clients. She is rooting for them.”   

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